Develop strong skills and relationships through YHY's events

Here in YHY BC, we strive to create events where we can connect students to the possibilities of technology, while providing students with networking opportunities and resources to explore STEAM. Including a recent event hosted in March, YouthHacks 2022. Our goal for the hackathon was for youth to develop knowledge in STEAM and with various workshops by respected speakers to give youth some real life insights into the world of STEAM!

Current Events

Youth Helping Youth BC Logo

Date: September 10 2022

Post-Secondary Panel

Gain insight into post-secondary education from a diverse number of university students through networking and asking questions! A complementary workshop will also be available, hosted by GrantMe. Check our Instagram for details!

Past Events

In the past, YHY BC has hosted a hackathon, YouthHacks 2022, where we have brought youth together for a weekend full of learning, networking and exploring the STEM field. In addition, YHY BC has also hosted a post secondary panel where we have invited experienced speakers to give advice as well as to answer questions related to post secondary!